Every Christian knows that God is a generous giver. Every good thing we have is in actuality a gift from Him. He loves us and wants to give us those things which lead to a spiritually healthy and (sometimes) happy life. He also wants us to follow His example and give to others in the same way that He has given to us. This is a topic which gets a lot of discussion, and rightly so.
What may be surprising to some however, is that Satan is also a generous giver. Satan loves to help us arrange our lives in a way where we seek and find instant gratification. He wants us to find temporary "happiness" in destructive relationships. He seeks to orchestrate events and circumstances in our lives that drive us further away from Christ, and it doesn't matter to him if this means misery or happiness for us in the short term.
The scriptures tell us to trust in the Lord, and to lean not on our own understanding. We all need to be careful about allowing our "feelings" to direct our path in life.
I was once witnessing to a Jehovah's Witness lady, and invited her to church. She graciously told me that she was very "happy" with her religion. In my mind I was thinking, c'mon lady, we are speaking religion here, not soft drinks. This stuff has eternal consequences. Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke? Do you prefer the Mormon Church or the Jehovah's Witnesses? Which makes you happier? The fact that I enjoy Pepsi doesn't mean that it's not rotting the teeth out of my head as I drink it. Truth is truth, our opinions and personal preferances don't change it.
Satan is the author of false religion. He is the Cupid of ungodly relationships. He is the merchant of "Needful Things", and he wants you to be happy, even if it means cheating on your spouse or abandoning your children. He offers you the gift of a religious community, one that will eventually usher you to the gates of Hell.
All too often Satan wins the little battles he wages against us on a daily basis. All too often we allow him to achieve victory over us by bribing us into perishable happiness.
And you thought that credit card companies were bad........
Do not forsake eternal joy for instant gratification. Do not allow Satan to use you to harm yourself and others when God wants to work through you for the glorification of His righteousness. Choose the path less traveled. Choose life. Choose Christ.
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