Perhaps some of you have seen the insufferably stupid banned Superbowl T.V. add "Jesus Hates Obama". The add depicts Jesus and Barack Obama as bobble heads, with Jesus frowning at Obama with his arms crossed, then He magically pushes Obama into a fish tank and smiles. The add is trying to sell "Jesus Hates Obama" mugs, t-shirts, and other merchandise with the logo on it. I don't find the add humorless because it offends me, I find it humorless because its stupid.
The commercial may raise the question for some- "Does Jesus really Hate Barack Obama? The answer is, No, He doesn't. God loves each and every one of us, even though we are all sinners. I am a sinner, you are a sinner, and Barack Obama is a sinner, but God still loves each of us, and Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven through the sacrifice He performed on the Cross.
Jesus loves Obama, and He wants him to repent. Obama is a far left liberal, which means that instead of repenting of certain sins, he embraces them. Obama supports those who embrace immoral lifestyles, supports the destruction of the unborn, and in my opinion, often openly lies in order to advance his own desire for power. These are just a few of his sins, and I'm not pointing them out in order to conduct a personal attack on the President, after all, I too am a sinner. The difference between the two of us, in my opinion, is that while my sins disgust me, and I repent of them on a daily basis, Obama embraces his sins as one embraces an old friend. I wish he would stop leaning on his own understanding and seek the wisdom that only God can give. Obama is not a Muslim or a Christian, he is a RINO- Religious in Name Only.
I disagree with President Obama on 90% of his agenda, but I don't wish him any harm, I wish that he would repent, submit to God, and live a long, happy and prosperous life with his family.
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