I now own a John Deere mower- does that make me an official hillbilly? I was out mowing down the weeds in my yard today, which is always an interesting time as I am very allergic to them. They take their revenge on me from from the grave. I chop them down and as the dust, dirt, seeds, and pollen blow up into my face I know that I will be paying the price for what I'm doing.
Sins are like weeds. They take root in our hearts and they spread like crazy. They grow like- well, like weeds. The are resilient and they don't want to be killed or pulled. Sin acts entirely the same way.
So why do I go through the hassle and pain of mowing , pulling and weed eating all the weeds in my yard? Because having a nice clean yard is safer- less snakes and mice, etc. It also creates a defensible space in case a fire breaks out. My neighbors are also happier when I clear out my weeds. Again, all of these things can serve as an illustration about the presence of sin in our lives.
Fighting weeds seems like endless work, it wears me out and makes me sick, but in the end it's worth it. I hate sin as much as I hate weeds, and let me tell you, I really hate weeds.
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